moving into Part 2
I have had a quite a break before moving on to Part to of the course to be honest i have not picked up a camera in over a year, brought on by a culmination of things including a loss of motivation on the photography side , maybe due to an element of boredom about what i was doing.
Just been having a bit of a reflection on the photography i have done previously to partaking in this course ,and to move forward i feel i must move away from the norm and get out of my comfort zone which was mainly landscape images.I have made a conscious decision to use the remainder of the course to explore new avenues to try to rekindle my passion for a subject i couldn't get enough of not so long ago.
So here goes…watch this space
Part two of the course should be a bit of an eye opener for me as it focuses more on the graphic design elements of photography , i have dabbled in image editing and manipulation using Photoshop etc. but I have never really applied graphic design to my photography .I have been more of a ‘ i like the look of that scene i think it would make a good image ‘ sort of person
This could be bumpy but very interesting .